
I am a native resident to Lancaster County and I grew up in a household with a strong faith foundation. My parents regularly modeled for me the importance of living a life focused on loving, serving, and believing in others. My life passion is to help others find meaningful purpose in their work by recognizing and using the giftings they have to serve and become better for others, specifically within business.

Both my wife and I have been deeply involved with Worship Center over the past ten years. We met at Worship Center through serving together on The Living Room’s leadership team. My wife Amy also served as the manager of the Café at Worship Center from 2018 – 2022. Today my wife is a stay-at-home mother, investing into the lives of our three children and I am the Vice President of Information Technology at Superior Plastic Products and Key-Link Fencing & Railing.

Worship Center has a special place within our hearts, and I am honored to be given the opportunity to continue to invest into the church through serving on the board. I am a believer in the future of Worship Center and excited to be a part of building on what previous generations have built and protecting and nurturing that for future generations.