July 22 - 27

SAVE THE DATE – JULY 22 -27, 2024!

Join us for a week of serving our community!

Summer is often filled with vacation, swimming, cookouts, and more. What if we added serve our community to the summer fun bucket list? What if we created memories with those we love by serving those in need in our community this summer?

There are so many organizations right around us who are caring for the often overlooked people in our community. These organizations rely heavily on volunteers. We can make a difference, tangibly help our neighbors, and serve our world.

This summer, July 22-27, we’re creating a week full of opportunities for our church congregation to serve our community. We are partnering with local organizations such as Good Samaritan, SEEDS, Blessings of Hope, and many more who are helping the least, lost, and lonely in our community. There will be serving opportunities for families, individuals, small groups, friends — everyone!

A full list of serving opportunities including locations, dates, times, and details can be found on this event page after May 20th.

Jesus repeatedly encouraged his followers to love their neighbors. Let’s do it together!