Building Blocks For An Eulogy-Worthy Life

Matt Mylin   -  

“Am I building a eulogy-worthy life?”

That question was swirling in my mind as I listened to author John Mark Comer share about his opportunity to attend Luis Palau’s private funeral. I can so quickly focus on accomplishments and achievements while missing what’s most important in life.

Luis Palau was a worldwide evangelist on par with Billy Graham for the Spanish-speaking community. He preached the gospel to millions, with thousands of people making decisions for Jesus (discover how to develop spiritual insights by committing to Jesus and his Word).

“I was so struck,”  said Comer. “That in this two-hour memorial service with his closest family and friends, not a word was said about his ministry. Not a word about how many people he preached to, how many books he sold, or how many people are in the kingdom of God because of his work. It was mostly stories about how he loved his family as a dad and a grandfather. He wasn’t perfect, but he finished well.” 

These words impacted me as well.

Comer shared how this deeply affected him, thinking about when his time comes to leave this world.

“Whether it’s tomorrow or in fifty years,” Comer said. “Nobody will care about the things that keep me up at night. And the things that matter most in life I don’t get paid for” (Carey Nieuwhof, podcast EP. #626).
Facing the reality of mortality can wake a person up to what’s most important in life.

How can a person build a eulogy-worthy life?

Be faithful to Jesus.

Be faithful where you are.

Be faithful with what you have.

The common denominator is faithfulness built on allegiance to Jesus.

“If you are faithful in little things,” Jesus said. “You will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities” (Luke 16:10).

These sobering words shouldn’t be ignored.

Faithfulness today prepares you for what is ahead. In other words, how you handle what you have indicates how you will handle greater responsibilities (here are three ways faith can move the mountains in your life). 

Life is short, but it’s not the end. Through Jesus, there is an unshakable hope that will be an anchor for your soul because it’s only through him that a person can receive the gift of eternal life.

While we anticipate the day we will meet Jesus face to face, let us aim to live in this world with wisdom and devotion to him.