4 Easy Ways To Worship God Everyday

Matt Mylin   -  

Several years ago, Kelly and I had the opportunity to attend a prayer breakfast in Washington, DC. Its purpose was to be a non-partisan way for members of Congress and citizens to gather together to pray for our country.

I was fascinated to see people from both political parties gather for this purpose. At one point, the president of the United States came out to greet everyone and make a few remarks.

The introduction of the president follows a ceremonial protocol with an announcement of the office, formal title, and name, and then a moment for the audience to applaud as a sign of acknowledgment and respect.

Whether a person agrees with the president’s policies or not, an act of respect is shown at that moment of introduction because of the office they hold.

Showing respect for someone deemed worthy is a human response.

We are created to worship. However, we must choose carefully who the object of our highest worship is (watch the latest message on how to honor God through our acts of worship, submission, and obedience).

All of this causes me to ask myself a few questions. Outside of a church setting,

Would someone see physical evidence of my allegiance to Jesus?

Would someone be able to see my deep reverence for God?

Would someone know who is the object of my worship?

John’s account of the life and ministry of Jesus documents a miracle of healing a man born blind. The man never saw Jesus but only heard him say, “Go to the pool and wash.” He went and was healed.

Later, this man interacted with Jesus but didn’t initially know who he was. Here’s the conversation:

When Jesus heard what had happened, he found the man and asked, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” The man answered, “Who is he, sir? I want to believe in him.” “You have seen him,” Jesus said. “And he is speaking to you!” “Yes, Lord, I believe!” the man said. And he worshiped Jesus (John 9:35-38). 

I wonder what John saw from the man that would make him write those words, “And he worshiped Jesus.”

We may think of worship as a song or type of music, but it’s much more than that. I don’t usually geek out on the original language of the Bible, but the word John used for worship is proskyneo.

Proskyneo was a term used to describe profound reverence for another person.

Picture a person falling on their knees with their forehead to the ground, bowing down in deep reverence for that person. Or consider the act of a dog licking their master’s hand out of humble adoration. Proskyneo is the physical act of worship. In other words,
Worship is a physical act to express deep reverence for God.

The man’s worship of Jesus did not occur in a church gathering or during a worship night. He wasn’t influenced by a formal protocol or doing something to be seen by others.

He expressed genuine, deep reverence for Jesus because he recognized he was in the presence of a holy God. His allegiance to God was above allegiance to anything else.

“Let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God,” Hebrews says, “Proclaiming our allegiance to his name” (Hebrews 13:15).

Here are four ways to make worship a physical act in everyday life:

1) Write down three things you’re thankful to God for daily. 

One of the best ways to start your day is with gratitude to God.

Complaining about things in life that aren’t going well is easy. Giving thanks to God in every circumstance will set your mind on the goodness of God and his mercies that are new every morning.

2) Kneel when you pray.

Kneeling is putting your physical body in a posture of humility.

Your physical posture will influence your deep reverence for God. It also reminds you that you are in the presence of a holy God.

3) Lift your hands in worship.

Our hands are God-given tools we can use to build or create. On the other hand (pun intended), “Fools fold their idle hands, leading them to ruin,” writes Solomon (Ecclesiastes 4:5).

We lift our hands to many things in this world, but only one is worthy of all worship. Lifting our hands is a sign that we surrender, acknowledge, celebrate, seek assistance from, and honor the name above all names, Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

The simple act of lifting your hands in worship, whether in a gathering or the privacy of your home, signals to your heart and mind that you are surrendering your life to Jesus.

4) Use your voice to proclaim God’s amazing works.

Boasting about personal accomplishments and achievements is human nature that often comes from a place of arrogance. In humility, tell the stories of what God is doing in your life (check out these three powerful ways to use your voice). He gets the glory, and you get to be a part of it.

Gathering together for corporate worship is essential in building a life of worship.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with other followers of Jesus, singing, and proclaiming God’s amazing works is a primary way to encourage and challenge each other to stay faithful to Jesus.

May our worship — our deep reverence for God — be seen and heard!