Why use questions to help people grow?

Cindy Scott   -  

It seems a little risky to use questions to help people grow, doesn’t it? What if they don’t come up with the right answers? Shouldn’t we, as leaders, be responsible for telling people what to do?

It seems so much more straightforward to make a plan and pass it out. I’d like one to tell me how much and what I should read each day, line out what to pray for, and how to do it right so God will move; a plan that would give me clear parameters on how to live righteously so I can make sure I am living well and honoring him.

That’s not what Jesus did though. For the most part, Jesus told stories, did miracles, asked questions, and moved on. Read it for yourself in the gospels. Jesus rarely explained the stories, told people not to talk about the miracles and dropped question bombs that left people wondering about the right answers. On the few occasions he did directly teach, like the Sermon on the Mount, it was not about rules but about how the kingdom worked — raising the bar to honor others and challenging the status quo on what right living was supposed to look like.

Jesus trusted the Holy Spirit to move in people’s hearts and lead them to all righteousness.

Here are some of my favorite questions Jesus asked:

Who do people say that I am?

Who do you say that I am?

What do you want me to do for you?

What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life and what can one give in exchange for his life?

What is written in the law? How do you read it?

Which of these three in your opinion was neighbor to the robber’s victim?

Woman where are they? Has no one condemned you?

Jesus didn’t ask questions because he didn’t know the answers!

He asked questions because he knew that questions lead people to “ah-ha” moments.

When a person figures out something for themselves, they are exponentially more likely to not only retain the information, but they engage with the discovery in their real life.

At Worship Center, our discussion questions are designed to do the same thing – help people engage their faith with their real life. When we all answer the questions in ways that help us experience God, grow together and serve our world – that’s revival! This is how we build disciples, not make dependents!