Myth Busters for Potential Group Leaders

Cindy Scott   -  

The idea of leading a Small Group can feel intimidating or scary to some, but what if….

What if being a Group Leader was more like facilitating a discussion than developing a lesson? I don’t know about you but for me leading a discussion seems a lot less overwhelming than trying to discern God’s word for my Groups.

At Worship Center, our groups are message-based, and the discussion questions are already written. So basically, the Leader becomes the one who prompts when the group should go on to the next question and makes sure all the participants get an opportunity to share.

What if being a Group Leader doesn’t mean having to be a counselor? It could be easy to think that Group Leaders would be expected to provide answers for life’s problems.

At Worship Center, we partner together to pursue God’s purposes for our lives. We discern our steps on the journey rather than depend on someone else to tell us what to do or how to live. Discussion leads to discovery, and decisions determine destiny!

What if being a Group Leader doesn’t mean you have to be perfect? Being a leader can feel like something you do after you “have arrived” at some level of maturity or righteousness.

Craig Groeschel says,” People would rather follow a leader who is always REAL than one who is always RIGHT.” I can do that. I can be real. I can share my stuff and be authentic about my journey. A good Group Leader is a partner along the way.

What if I want to start a group with my own people and not necessarily open it up to new people joining? A great Group is full of people doing life together. They may be lifelong friends or brand new to each other, and God can use it for good.

Sometimes we wonder if regular Groups are going on that we don’t even know about. If you are a Group Leader and you don’t have a Team Leader, you’re not getting support from the Worship Center Groups Department, or have not been invited to Group Leader training – please let us know! We want to come alongside your Group and support you!

What if you’re not sure if you are ready to be a Small Group Leader? Not knowing what to expect can keep people from leaning into what God has for them. Fear can keep people from trying things.

The best adventures of all happen when we step out in faith.

What if God is calling you to be a Group Leader? Is this your next adventure? Please visit for more information!